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Messages - mdumont

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Club Events / Mission - August Benchrest Group Shoot
« on: August 09, 2016, 09:02:05 PM »
We decided to shoot group at our monthly match for August.  The big news was a new shooter, Ted Veale, who proceeded to kick (almost) all our butts!  I think a little of the credit has to go to Joe, who loaded the ammo and coached.  On the other hand, Ted shows considerable promise - Hope he becomes a regular!

The other notable event was the epic battle between Art and Frank, which Frank took by a margin of 0.0004 in the final agg.  

Thanks to Joe for running the match, Art for preparing the targets and backers, to Sue for scoring and to Paul for taking the pics.

We take a break for Public Sight In days in September, but we're back for the next monthly match later in October - Sunday, October 16 - Hope to see you there.

Good to see Bob on the line.

Art on the line.

Dave on the line.

Sonya on the line.  Boys aren't the only ones allowed to have fun.

Pete on the line.

Ted Veale, hot new guy on the block.  Note he shoots from the correct side.

Vlad attempts to distract Pete.

Mark, looking dazed and confused, seeks guidance from Joe.  

Sam incognito.  

Frank and Bob - Benchrest is all about the details.

Sue (ace group scorer) and Sandra.

Paul, our ace photographer.  Wonder how he managed to take the selfie?

And the results...

100 yard results.

200 yard results.

...and the agg...

With our spring weather dragging well into summer, conditions were a little "fresher" than usual for the time of year.  Our group of 14 shooters turned in a number of excellent scores which are included at the end of this report. 

A big Thank You to all of our sponsors (in no particular order):
   Chilliwack Dart and Tackle
   Reliable Gun
   Hirsch Precision
   Bob Goehring
   Ray Parkin
   Italian Sporting Goods

Thanks also to Paul for taking the following pictures:

Bob daydreaming on the line.

Man Kay and Mel.

Ray Drope and Mark discuss the pros and cons of Cold War era Soviet ordnance.

Calvin and Gord Park.

Tim and Derek Peters.

Ray Drope on the line.

Gord Dale on the line.

Ray Parkin on the line.

Tim on the line.

Derek on the line.

Mel and Man Kay marking targets.

The Data Processing Department hard at work.

Bob congratulates Nev.

Bob congratulates Ray Parkin.

Bob congratulates Mel.

Bob congratulates Paul.

Bob congratulates Bob.

Derek receives his prize from Mel.

The happy crew -  From the left Man Kay, Gord Park, Derek, Paul, Mel, Ray Drope, Mark, Bob, Tim, Gord Dale, Ray Parkin, Nev.  (Art had to leave before the photo and Calvin is missing...)   

And finally, the results:

Well, another one in the bag...  First piece of news is we've renamed it the Jim Latham Memorial VFS Championship, in honour of a great guy and a big supporter of Benchrest in BC.   

It seemed safe to predict relatively benign conditions to start, worsening as the day progressed and the range didn't disappoint!

Thanks to shooters for keeping up the pace - I'm sure our out-of-town participants appreciated the early finish.

Thanks to our prize sponsors - Richard Nicol, Big Horn Sales, Sinclair International, Hirsch Precision and Italian Sporting Goods.

Thanks to Art for preparing and setting the targets and to Joe for running the match.  Given the results, we'll have to think up more distractions for them next year...  A special shoutout to Sue for scoring all 144 targets with just over 1000 holes!

And finally, thanks everyone for supporting the Fraser Valley VFS shoot this year.  Hope everyone had a good time.

We'd like to make this and the group shoot better. Is there anything that we could do to make it better or you would like to see done?

Cheers, and hope to see you all next year!

A few happy winners (need a better photographer than me next year!)

...and the results...

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