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Messages - rpollock

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Looks like a great turnout for this shoot.

Please note that Doug Wright - March Scopes Canada, who has been a great supporter of Benchrest in Canada, has donated a $1000 Gift Certificate towards a March scope that will be be drawn for at the Awards Ceremony. Many Thanks Doug!

Qualifying post Eastern Regionals at Holton. Attached.

Brian, what does it mean when you say a bench is reserved? Don?t you draw for benches?

Last kick at the cat for BR at Rosebud in 2024 is fast approaching! This will be the Alberta Provincials Match set to run Sept 14-15.

There is a practice day on the Friday, and looks like we will have enough interest for a practice day on Thursday as well.
Saturday will be LV 100 in the morning and HV 100 in the afternoon.
Sunday will be HV200 in the morning, and LV200 in the afternoon.

We will have camping, just let me know in advance if you are planning to stay at the range.

There is no BBQ planned, you are on your own for food this weekend.

A note to let everyone know you DO NOT need the K Country Park Pass to shoot at Rosebud.

Reminder to get in touch with me so I know how many helpers to plan for.

Qualifying standings Post IBS Nats

Club Events / Canadians at IBS Nationals 2024 in Holton
« on: August 10, 2024, 07:54:59 PM »
In case you haven't seen this news, it was a great event for Canadians. 3-Gun winner was Hugh Williamson, and 2-Gun winner was Rob Seemann.

Along the way Hugh won the Sporter Grand, Rob won the LV 100 yds. Hugh picked up 4 Hall of Fame points (now holds 7), and Rob picked up one Hall of Fame point as well, (now holds 5).

Picture is L-R: Rob S 2-Gun Winner, Hugh W 3-Gun Winner

Congratulations on your terrific results!

Equipment List Attached

BR Equipment + Components / Hawkeye Borescope
« on: August 05, 2024, 01:40:14 PM »
Listing for a friend:

17 inch Hawkeye Borescope. Includes 90 degree eyepiece. $1100. Located in Calgary area.

Contact me if interested


Standings post BRSC Nationals.

More pictures

Rogues Gallery of the winners!

L-R Back row: Dean W, Mark D., Frank O., Art H., Vic E., Dave F.
L-R Front Row: Don E., Bob R., Rick P.

National Championships are in the Bag. I am pleased to announce Bob Richards is the new National Champion! Well done Bob! We had a strong turnout with 22 shooters competing to be the National Champion. Thanks to all the out of town shooters for making the effort to join us.

Thanks to the helpers, and the cooks for the BBQ, and of course thanks to the Rosebud Club for hosting the event.

Hot off the presses, post Kane shoot July 20-21

Take note we will be hosting the  BRSC Nationals Championships at Rosebud August 3-4.

Thursday Aug. 1 is a practice day.
Friday Aug. 2nd  is a practice day and we will be hosting the BRSC AGM at 3pm in the clubhouse.
Saturday Aug. 3rd is LV 100 in the morning and HV 100 in the afternoon. There will be a club supplied BBQ and soft drinks after the matches. All are welcome.
Sunday Aug. 4th will be HV 200 in the morning and LV 200 in the afternoon. Trophy presentation to follow the matches.

Camping for the practice days and matches are allowed, just let me know in advance if you plan to camp.

A note to let everyone know you DO NOT need the K Country Park Pass to shoot at Rosebud.

I would also like a head count so we know how much food to prepare for the BBQ, and also how many helpers we need for the match.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there, it looks to be a terrific turnout. So good in fact, I will probably run 2 relays, so you need to find a buddy to share a bench with, and let me know in advance so I can pair everyone up in the computer. or 403-554-6772

Equipment list attached.

This is the fullest we have seen the firing line since the World Championships in 2019.

I am pleased to say the the Stampede Shootout was a great success! Great weather and a great turnout. Shooters from BC and as far as Manitoba joined us. The BR201 school was a resounding success, taking up about 3 hours on Thursday afternoon, and a lot of information to help shooters on their path to BR greatness was shared. The big winner was Hugh Williamson!

Thanks go out to all: Peter, Alex, Steve, Wally, Carolyn, Sue, Sheila, Catherine for all the support running targets, scoring, and preparing the BBQ. Of course thanks to the Rosebud Club for the use of the venue which gets better every year.

Next up is the BRSC Nationals on August 3-4. Don't miss it!

BR Equipment + Components / Re: WANT TO BUY - GRID TARGETS
« on: July 10, 2024, 02:58:16 PM »
Check with Dean at as he was going to have some printed on target paper.

ORSA - Ontario Rifle Shooters Association / Re: ORSA Shoot July 6-7
« on: July 08, 2024, 11:52:46 AM »
200 Yd LV attached.

Kudos to Rob! Well done.

Thanks to Jeff for posting the results, it is appreciated.

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