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Messages - Kelly N.

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That is very cool! I was excited to find a March sticker in the clubhouse last shoot.  ;D  Would love to add another March scope to the fleet someday, and a 1K gift card would be a big help! Much thanks to Doug for this donation!

Club Events / Re: Canadians at IBS Nationals 2024 in Holton
« on: August 11, 2024, 09:36:12 PM »
Incredible! Well done Hugh and Rob, much hard work and dedication to achieve results like this!

Bump with price drop and possible trades.

BR Equipment + Components / Re: LE Wilson dies - 17 sets - PRICE DROP
« on: July 26, 2024, 09:58:39 PM »
Bump with price drop.

A great time as always, thanks for putting it all together Rick!

BR Equipment + Components / WANT TO BUY - GRID TARGETS
« on: July 10, 2024, 09:52:41 AM »
I'd like to buy a stack of quality 'grid targets' if someone is willing to part with them. I have bought several types of paper over the past year and had grids printed on them, but nothing I have tried will print a nice hole.

I would prefer the older style paper if possible, maybe that's an unrealistic goal I'm not sure.

I'll be at Rosebud this weekend and the remaining matches of the year, cash in hand. As for quantity, whatever I can get I suppose... 50, 100, 200?


BR Equipment + Components / LE Wilson dies - 17 sets - PRICE DROP
« on: July 09, 2024, 01:16:10 PM »
I'd like to get these sold, price drop to $350 for the whole works.

Edit to add: Just noticed after posting this (which took a very long time), the pics are wider than what's shown on the screen, there's a left/right scroll at the bottom of the post which will move everything, allowing you to see it all.

Selling what I don't need from a large lot of dies I purchased some time ago. These are older dies, I've spent many hours doing my best to clean up some surface rust. I'll do my best to list condition for each die, they still have some slight staining on the outside, but remain fully functional in my opinion. There are a couple that are rougher than the rest, and will be noted. Attached is a picture to show what I mean by "some surface rust".

Most are complete, if not it will be noted in the description. There are no 'cups' with the dies, I have a a few available to include with a sale of multiple dies.

There are a few oddballs, some cartridges I'm not familiar with - I'll do my best to note what I believe it to be. If you have questions or want pics of a specific die let me know. All dies are arbor/press style, full length sizers included.

I'm happy to ship ($17 up to 5 dies in one order) or meet face to face in/near Lethbridge, or at the Rosebud range during one of the upcoming matches.

Prices are listed per die with a total of $825. I feel these are reasonable prices at less than 50% new cost, but if you feel I'm out to lunch let me know.
  • Buy the entire lot for $500 shipped (40% savings)
  • Buy 5 and subtract 25%
  • Buy 3 and subtract 15%

" some surface rust "

What's available

Unknown hand seater - .222-5

Homemade neck sizer - .240 COY

One time price drop to $950, or I'd be interested in trading for custom 6mm bullets (64-68 grain) or Lapua 220 Russian brass.

The gold standard in windage style front rests, long discontinued and highly desired.

Excellent condition, very little use.

- bag
- additional base with rubber feet
- 1" spacer to allow for more vertical height
- carry case, also have the original plywood crate

Asking $1100. PRICE DROP TO $950.

Located in Lethbridge, face to face would be ideal. Willing to ship on the buyers dime.

I'll be at the remaining Rosebud shoots, happy to deliver it there.


Thanks for the results Mark. Great pictures, I sure hope I'm shooting at 90!

Club Events / Cactus Classic 2024
« on: March 09, 2024, 07:48:41 AM »
One of the biggest events of the year kicks off today, just want to say good luck to all the guys who made the trip down. I have no doubt they will do a great job and have a good time, I believe there's about a dozen which is awesome.

Have fun everyone, stack em up!

I'm hoping it's okay to post a link here, the site is a collection of old editions of Precision Shooting Magazine, as well as some others. The collection is being put together by a fellow by the name of Stu Redman on the Accurate Shooter forum. He's looking for missing editions of the magazine, maybe some of you here have some?


About This Forum / Re: 14 Year Anniversary
« on: December 24, 2023, 09:49:52 PM »
Merry Christmas Rick, thanks for all you do with this forum and shooting in Canada in general - it is appreciated!

Merry Christmas everyone.


BR Equipment + Components / Re: WTB Edgewood rear bag
« on: November 21, 2023, 07:25:19 AM »
Looking for an Edgewood rear bag.

Do you know what model you are looking for? I have one I would let go, I believe it is a mini-gator with the slick ears. I only used it a few times, then bought a BR rifle that came with it's own bag.


Congrats to everyone who took on this challenge and put in so much time and energy. Thanks for stepping up and representing Canada!

Some great finishes, and hopefully it was a good experience for you. I know I sure enjoyed following along!
Congratulations to Rob with his  1st place in HV100 and 2nd - HV AGG!
Mark also had several great finishes in the top 5 and 10.
And Team A with their 2nd in LV200!

(If I missed something here I apologize, it's a lot to keep track of.)

Great finish today guys! Moving up in the teams as well, keep it up!

Thanks Rick. Nice shooting today, hope you all are enjoying it as well!

Agreed! I'm looking forward to following along!!

Good luck everyone!

I'm not sure I've seen 'self' under the action category before, awful impressive! It was great to meet Frank, a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Thanks for this Rick, looking forward to following along.

Best of luck to you and everyone else!


Club Events / Re: 2023 King of the Hill
« on: August 27, 2023, 08:17:31 PM »
Looks like a good time, congrats to Vic on the win.

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