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Messages - Rundltrain

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I can't thank everyone enough for their contributions of effort to make our Benchrest Shooting happen at Elmira!  The volunteers, Brian and Jeff, but also the competitors who have taught me much, and whose friendship I value. Most have been at it for many years and have achieved incredible results. I feel fortunate to have met them all. Congratulations to Rob....a great shooter who has contributed in so many ways to this sport.
   Hope to see everyone next year. Stan.

Fantastic video. Didn't notice the link before.
. Thanks for doing that and great shooting!

Off Topic / Re: Came across some old history
« on: August 26, 2024, 01:09:59 PM »
Your note brings some old memories. In the late 70?s I owned 2 Shilen DGA rifles. They were both magazine rifles but with very nice walnut and a DGA action. The heavy varmint rifle was a 22-50 as I recall. So this class of Sporter Benchrest you write about, sounded interesting and my dad and I set about to make a very stiff action, stock setup. The DGA was already very stiff. Dad (a machinest), milled an aluminum block and a recess beneath the action in this highly figured stock. Into which we glued the block with appropriate holes for bolts already a part of the rifle. Ron Smith in 3 Hills, Alberta, had a reamer for what we called a 6X47. 222 magnum necked up to 6mm. I had a spare Hart barrel that Ron contoured so the rifle would make weight with scope. All of this was very soon after I moved out to Alberta. So many drawings, letters, and phone calls to dad in Ontario ensued. Wish I still had all this stuff.                                                                                         
   I believe the Sporter class still exists and is shot at the IBS Nationals as well as the NBRSA Nationals. Competitors shoot their light Varmint 6PPC. I may need to stand corrected as there may have been a limit on scope magnification back then. I'm only reaching into the memory banks 44-46 years.
   Just re reading this note. The bolt face I had would not have been appropriate for the cartridge I describe above. More likely it was a 22-250 necked up. Can't recall the finer details

Centerfire Discussions / Re: 22 PPC Norma or Sako brass in Canada
« on: August 10, 2024, 03:29:23 PM »
Bill. Many of us have searched exhaustively for ppc brass. We prefer Lapua Russian brass for its metallurgy and flashole size, but my best efforts have been thwarted. Even when I found it in the US; they wouldn't ship to Canada.                                   
      Recently an interview of a Hall of Fame shooter; Jeff Pienhardt, revealed he forms his brass from 6.5 Grendel brass by Lapua. He makes his forming dies but I now do the same and have been successful with an appropriate bushing and a sizing die closely approximating my chambering reamer diemensions. After forming I machine my necks in a collet lathe, trim to the correct length and anneal the neck and shoulder again. I can do 100 brass relatively quickly and I no longer bother with the fireforming process. He shoots the first shot of virgin formed brass on the record target at major matches. I have found the finished case so close to my fired cases that I find the virgin brass as accurate. Careful forming of  your cases will have very little or no bullet runout. The 6mm ARC, Grendel, and ppc share the same base diemension. I have used Starline 6 mm ARC brass with good results but don't know if 25 would hold up in a 2 day shoot or National event. Lapua will. After this interview it seems that all of Lapua Grendel brass has now been found and purchased  I have found enough... but may be able to get 2 or 3 boxes of 100 Lapua 6.5 Grendel cases from a private vendor. I'm taking 2, and on spec and may buy the rest at the same price. I'm paying. $140/box.
   It would be great to see you shooting Benchrest again. Many years ago we shot in Namaka at a Shoot I believe Al Murdoch named "Super Shoot". I'm just starting back at this as well. 2019 was my first shoot in Elmira, Ontario. Stan.

I have a no turn Manson reamer.  .274" neck. Really sharp and cuts a nice chamber.  I've only done 2 with it. I'd like $160 shipped. Text me at 519-376-0657. Stan

Could you text me at 519-376-0657. I'm interested but have a quick question about weight. Thanks.

BR Equipment + Components / Re: Remington 700 S.A firing pin springs.
« on: January 01, 2024, 02:11:12 PM »
Happy New Year to all. Winters are long and its easy to find one's interest wandering in directions other than Benchrest. A good time to read books by great Benchrest shooters, review articles in "Precision Shooter, or watch videos on the topic. I recently took apart the fire control of my other Panda; a dedicated score shoot rifle. Cleaned things up and changed the firing pin spring. When done, it was operating much smoother than my "Group rifle". So I took the bolt apart on that rifle again today. It's only been a month or so since I changed the spring. The firing pin and spring were covered in rust. Everything had been polished and cleaned...BUT...I blew out the bolt case and components with compressed air from my compressor. I used the compressor again yesterday to clean some parts, and water was spraying out the nozzle. Cold weather and forgetting to drain the tank, could have ruined a day at the range. Or worse.
    For what its worth; if accuracy matters to you, tear down your bolt and trigger at least once a year. There some great videos by shooters much more knowledgeable than I, that discuss in detail, the importance of the "fire control" in a Benchrest rifle. Speedy Gonzalas shows how to "Blueprint" the various parts to reduce friction. I have done this mid way through last summer and carefully polished the pin and spring ends as well as relieve areas in the shroud. Areas of wear can be seen on these parts where binding occurs.
   Looking forward to spring when we can resume our quest for the small group.

BR Equipment + Components / Remington 700 S.A firing pin springs.
« on: November 15, 2023, 12:28:20 PM »
FYI....I just received 3 new 700 S.A Rem. springs from Badgeridge industries. Very fast shipping, nice folks, and approx. $50.00 Canadian to the door. This is for 3. If you shoot a Kelbly action, they work well and will pull 22-23lbs when installed. .240" of pin fall and 23 lb pull on the firing pin; are essential to good ignition sequence. I Change mine at least twice in a season

BR Equipment + Components / Re: WTB Reloading gear
« on: July 14, 2023, 06:16:16 AM »
Hi. I have all the items you mentioned in your post...except; the loading dies. Should be readily available I would think.

BR Equipment + Components / Frankfort Arsenal priming tool.
« on: April 20, 2023, 01:32:04 PM »
Used this tool for the past year but recently bought a Sinclair. The kit is complete and works well. $90.00 shipped.

BR Equipment + Components / Re: Redding die bushing
« on: March 24, 2023, 01:33:15 PM »
Thanks to all who replied. I did find one but should have been checking here more often. Thanks again.

BR Equipment + Components / Redding die bushing
« on: March 19, 2023, 07:02:32 PM »
I'm looking for a .262" die bushing. If you have one and can part with it; let me know. Many thanks.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Panda action spring?
« on: February 16, 2023, 09:31:40 AM »
Further to my comments below, I did get 4 recently from Badger Ridge. Just changed out a 2nd one a few minutes ago. Of interest; the 4 I received are Rem. 700 SA. About 2 weeks after changing out the first spring, the rifle was suddenly shooting messy groups. Perhaps defined as "globs". It is cold to be sure but this change seemed odd. I came home and using a scale I have designed solely for this purpose; the spring pulled 20-21lbs. Down from 23. I machined a small shim (about .050") and installed it. Pulls 23 lbs 3 weeks ago and 23 today. Rifle also shooting dots again. Perhaps Kelbly's springs might be a better quality.  One I had from Pacific Tool and Guage, was more tightly wound, slightly longer and nice quality.  Pulled 22-23 for nearly 2 years but really expensive for just one. Be sure when you are done there is no binding on the bolt and I polish the firing pin. 1000 grip or higher.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Dry fire practice?
« on: December 20, 2022, 04:37:37 PM »
Hi Kelly. Not sure what happened. It was a rather lengthy treatise about practice and the mistakes I made (and still do). A mentor helped me and started me on a track that shortened the learning curve. Once insights are learned, you can start to work toward better results. It was a long note. I guess I pushed a wrong icon. My email is works better for me. 

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Dry fire practice?
« on: December 20, 2022, 07:00:25 AM »
Kelly. I sent you a post outling my many errors in setup. A mentor can really help in this regard.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Panda action spring?
« on: December 12, 2022, 09:37:52 AM »
I meant to confirm that for a Panda, you want a Remington 700 SA spring.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Panda action spring?
« on: December 12, 2022, 09:33:21 AM »
I just received 3 new springs from Badger Ridge Indistries. You can Google it. Really fine folks, fast delivery, and good comms. For Panda's;  Kelbly recommends yearly spring changes and min. .240" pin fall.

Optics / Harrell's scope rings.
« on: September 28, 2022, 02:09:25 PM »
Harrell's 1" standard rings. These are like new and are single screw. Very light. $100 shipped.

BR Equipment + Components / Lenzi rear bag.
« on: June 27, 2022, 12:23:52 PM »
SOLD. Bought this bag off a table at the Super Shoot. Appears  almost new condition. Benchrest Standard sloped bag. 14mm spacing; 1/2" between the stiching. F-class or long range bags are flat. Located in Owen Sound Ontario for local pickup. $180.00 plus shipping.

BR Equipment + Components / Manson No-Turn neck 6 PPC Reamer. Sold
« on: November 19, 2021, 09:06:13 AM »
Reamer is .274" neck. I clean up the necks for.271" but it shoots really well with untouched (blue box) Lapua .220 Russian brass. I've only chambered 1 barrel with it and did several after at .268" so I'm selling this one. In retrospect I believe I would have done just as well with this chamber but my ability is not commensurate with good shooters. The reamer is very sharp and delivers the chip load equally back through each flute so is cutting on every one. .2365" live pilot and neck length (hard ro be exact without a drawing) but appears to be .320. Dave Manson reground it from a .276" neck for me so was likely designed for a heavier bullet. A 67 gr. FB bullet can easily be seated into the lands. A 65 gr. BT can also be etched but doesn't leave much in  the neck. 67 gr BT shot extremely well as does a 65 BT.. one could leave the necks longer and have a better purchase on the bullet. $175 to your door.

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