« on: January 25, 2020, 04:31:51 PM »
Hi, I'm looking for some advice regarding a barrel for the soon to be released zermatt (big horn) rim-x action.
The action will be in my position end of March +/- 2020
I will be and have been participating in crps/orps matches(practical rifle)
My intention with this build is to achieve the level of accuracy required for benchrest shooting in a more practical scenario. (Ie prone,from obstacles or baricades)
Pre fit shouldered barrels will be avaliable shortly, but I would like to explore all my options.
So my question is, what direction would the members here from the benchrest community head with this build? Ie, barrel length, #of grooves, button/cut, reamer, finished diameter (contour) Keep in mind that stages are timed, feeding and extraction are of importance plus general reliability.
Distance shot will be from 50-400 yards