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Messages - hendershot

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This was my first match since 2021 and boy have the number of competitors sure grown in the past few years! It's so nice to see. Thanks to Rick for his continued hard work promoting benchrest in Canada.

Club Events / Re: 2022 King of the Hill
« on: August 31, 2022, 12:39:37 AM »
Wow what a great event! Thanks to everyone who made it happen.

Club Events / Re: 2022 King of the Hill
« on: July 08, 2022, 04:54:25 PM »
Thanks Wally. I

Club Events / Re: 2022 King of the Hill
« on: July 07, 2022, 07:07:14 PM »
It looks like I may be able to attend this match. Is registration full?

Club Events / Re: Cactus Classic 2022
« on: March 16, 2022, 08:03:53 PM »
Nice going guys!

BR Equipment + Components / 30 BR Package SOLD
« on: December 27, 2021, 03:36:14 PM »
I'm getting out of the 30 BR game and selling what I have left.

- Kreiger 17 twist, HV #17 contour, 22" barrel. Round count exactly 561. Came off a Bat 3L action, coned bolt face.
- Manson chamber reamer and matching FL sizing die reamer. 3 barrels cut. Ask for reamer print.
- 35 ready to go Lapua cases.
- Any left over projectiles I may have.

$550 plus shipping. SOLD

I would trade for a .284, 9 twist, MTU contour, 32" barrel blank. Krieger, Bartlein, Benchmark etc. I'm flexible on the specs except for the caliber.

BRSC - Benchrest Shooters Canada / Re: Rosebud 2022 BR Schedule
« on: December 21, 2021, 10:40:29 PM »
Well crap. It looks like I'll be away for every shoot in 2022. Here's hoping my schedule changes up a little here and there.

Hey Rick. I'm planning to attend.

Optics / Harrell's 30mm Scope Rings High
« on: January 11, 2021, 02:50:26 AM »
I'm looking for a set of aluminum rings to fit my Panda dovetail. Harrell's, Kelbly, etc. 30mm, single screw, high or around 1.5". Thanks.

Optics / Re: March 48x or NF 42x
« on: November 24, 2020, 10:51:03 AM »
Can you tell me please which reticle and dot size the March 48 is. Thank you.

Plenty O Patches / Re: Plenty "O" Patches
« on: September 10, 2020, 10:59:28 AM »
Hi Dean. Are you planning to attend the Provincials this weekend at Rosebud? Dan Henderson

BR Equipment + Components / Re: Stinger Bullets
« on: April 06, 2020, 09:51:20 PM »
How exciting! Now all I have to do is attend a few matches for a change.

I'll be there Rick.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Purchase of barrel blank
« on: February 08, 2019, 10:22:24 AM »
Yeah that's how I felt when I went down that path. Seems that fewer and fewer gunsmiths want to deal with the bluing tanks and chemicals required. If I did it again I would do exactly what you suggested - cerakote.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Purchase of barrel blank
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:18:00 AM »
The last CM barrel I ordered was from Benchmark through Gary Eakin at Big Horn Sales. Do you have someone lined up to do the bluing for you? That may be more of challenge than finding a barrel supplier.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: 6 PPC Chamber Reamer Availability
« on: February 06, 2019, 09:12:41 AM »
Gary at Big Horn deals with Manson reamers.

Hugh Williamson Precision / Re: Welcome to Hugh Williamson Precision
« on: June 30, 2018, 10:00:27 AM »
Awesome! Thanks for supporting Hugh on Rick.

Centerfire Discussions / Re: Neck size diameter
« on: June 28, 2018, 12:34:40 PM »
Hey danyboy,

When the guys talk about clearance, they are referring to total clearance. .002" clearance would be .001" per side for example.

With regards your particular situation, the neck clearance of your Lapua brass looks like a good place to start - .002" No need to turn the neck diameter down unless you want to clean the necks up a bit and/or feel like adding more clearance for whatever reason. As for neck bushings, I would try a few different sizes and see what kind of neck tension your rifle/load likes. Perhaps .267" on the tight end to .269" on the loose end? I don't shoot a 6BR so can't really say what a 6BR likes for neck tension. Another thing to keep in mind is that your bullet could have a pressure ring at the base of around .0005" The bullet makers in the crowd can confirm or deny this dimension. What this means is that your actual loaded OD could be .2705" measured at the pressure ring with the bullet seated. If you're using longer bullets in your 6BR, the bullet's base could be down below the neck/shoulder junction. Just measure the bullet at it's base and compare that measurement with a measurement taken just a tad further up the jacket. Some will argue that tight neck tension is a good thing because if you're running a compressed powder charge, the tighter neck tension will keep your bullet in place where as minimal neck tension could push the bullet out some. Seating depth considerations are an important step in load development and consistent seating depth is one of the critical aspects to shooting small groups. Consistency is key, even if you're doing things all wrong, do so consistently.  :D

BR Equipment + Components / Re: WTB graham wind flags
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:53:47 AM »
Charles. I have several extra Graham flags that I doubt very much I'll ever use. They are the ball type. How many are you looking for? I'll dig them out of storage and get back to you with details and photos. Dan

One thing you should be aware of with those Sako mag fed rifles is that you won't be able to just place a round on top of the feed lips and close the bolt. The bullet nose will jam up on breach face. I used my old Sako for several years in matches at Rosebud and I had to seat each round in the mag before closing the bolt to prevent stoppages. You could thumb in a round a little deeper so the bullet nose is inside the chamber. Either way, both eat up time on the clock and I found seating a round in the mag was the fastest and most repeatable process during competition.

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