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BRSC - Benchrest Shooters Canada / Re: Kenora Score Match August 31, September 1, 2024.
« Last post by duceman on September 02, 2024, 08:36:48 AM »
what a great video! thanks for sharing, lee
Club Events / Mission 22 Rimfire Benchrest - Monthly Match - August 24, 2024
« Last post by mdumont on September 01, 2024, 09:21:36 PM »
11 hardy shooters showed up to compete on a west coast rainy day.  Despite the rain, the winds were quite mild. 

Paul took Benchrest, Mel took Sporter and Derreck scored a victory in the single member Custom class.  Needless to say, Derreck also scored a clean sweep of the Best Targets for his class!  We need more Custom entries for next month...

Thanks to Paul for organizing the match.  Scoring was a group affair, with Shawn, Mike, Mel and Derrick all pitching in to hande the damp targets!

Next match is September 28, hoping for a good turnout!   
...and the results:

BRSC - Benchrest Shooters Canada / Re: Kenora Score Match August 31, September 1, 2024.
« Last post by Rod Jack on September 01, 2024, 08:31:17 PM »
Had a great time Dwayne, and congrats to Phil on the win.
BRSC - Benchrest Shooters Canada / Kenora Score Match August 31, September 1, 2024.
« Last post by Dwayne Cyr on September 01, 2024, 07:03:21 PM »
Lake of the Woods Gun Club in Kenora Ontario held a registered score shoot Saturday August 31st and Sunday September 1st. It was attended by 7 shooters each day. Saturday at 100 was too calm causing a few unexplained 9?s. Sunday was completely different with wind gusting to 30 k. Only Phil Nick shot clean at 200 on Sunday. Phil's 200-meter targets will be submitted to the Records Committee for consideration for a possible record. Congratulations on your Grand Agg win Phil. Thanks to the shooters and volunteers for supporting the range. Our backup scorer Mike Warkentin also produces great videos of our shoots.
Submitted by: Dwayne Cyr

ORSA - Ontario Rifle Shooters Association / Re: Sept. 14 / 15 Shoot Reminder
« Last post by BR SHOE on September 01, 2024, 05:02:26 AM »
Rick I will reserve a bench for a shooter kinda like preregistering. It allows them to set flags on Friday and speeds up registration in the morning. Also we have some that share rests and flags. I also try to setup that you dont need to move your rests off the bench between relays. With the usual number of shooters we get and the number of benches it for the most part works out to speedup the days shooting and a lot less work for everyone.
ORSA - Ontario Rifle Shooters Association / Re: Sept. 14 / 15 Shoot Reminder
« Last post by rpollock on August 31, 2024, 07:26:07 PM »
Brian, what does it mean when you say a bench is reserved? Don?t you draw for benches?
ORSA - Ontario Rifle Shooters Association / Re: Sept. 14 / 15 Shoot Reminder
« Last post by BR SHOE on August 31, 2024, 05:23:49 AM »
Update bench 9 is now reserved
BR Equipment + Components / Harrels 6mm PPC Die
« Last post by Winchester1873 on August 29, 2024, 02:26:44 PM »
I have a Harrels Precision +3 6mm PPC die for sale, bought is 2023 asking 100.00 plus shipping
Last kick at the cat for BR at Rosebud in 2024 is fast approaching! This will be the Alberta Provincials Match set to run Sept 14-15.

There is a practice day on the Friday, and looks like we will have enough interest for a practice day on Thursday as well.
Saturday will be LV 100 in the morning and HV 100 in the afternoon.
Sunday will be HV200 in the morning, and LV200 in the afternoon.

We will have camping, just let me know in advance if you are planning to stay at the range.

There is no BBQ planned, you are on your own for food this weekend.

A note to let everyone know you DO NOT need the K Country Park Pass to shoot at Rosebud.

Reminder to get in touch with me so I know how many helpers to plan for.
Stinger Ballistics / Re: Stinger website
« Last post by wallypollock on August 28, 2024, 03:26:16 PM »
Update August 28, 2024
The 6mm 68g BT is now back in stock.
Please order off the website if possible.

Please note, payment is via EMT only. Credit card payment has been discontinued.
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