Author Topic: Anyone own a SEB Rest?  (Read 8113 times)

Offline abouwer

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Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« on: March 31, 2010, 11:43:14 PM »
Do any of you guys own a SEB Rest? Think its worth the money over a Hayes?

Offline cyanchycki

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Re: Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 05:46:41 AM »
Well there are many that I know of from Kenora west.

2 in Kenora, 2 in Brandon, 3 in Sask, and 3 in Alberta that I know of.  Are they good?  I like to think so.  Fit and finish is pretty darn good and the movements are pretty slick as well.

Are they better than a Hayes, from what I can see yes and no.  They both are well built products with the Hayes missing one thing, it does not have a windage adjustable top.  The drawback if it is a drawback, one would have to be a bag squeezer for holding over and making the adjustments on the targets.  With the SEB you have a coaxial top with a range of motion.

Now SEB has come out with a new version one which is more travel friendly and can be made into smaller package but it is not as appealing asthetically in my eyes as the original.

There are many good rests on the market it is a matter of seeing and trying which you would prefer.  Coax rests may take 10 or 15 minutes getting used to but once you have tried one they are pretty sweet.

A SEB will run you under 900.00 CDN landed to your door from SEB himself. (depending on the US dollar)

« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 05:48:08 AM by cyanchycki »
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Bill Gammon

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Re: Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2010, 06:26:36 AM »
Windage tops, now there is a debateable subject. Now this is "MY PERSONAL OPINION" When Gary started making these rest back a number of years ago he talked about a windage top because some people just had to have one. He has yet to make one. I am from the school that by the time you screw around adjusting the top between the first and second shot the wind has gone somewhere else. I can bag squeeze a inch in an direction so tell me why I need a windage top. If I have to hold more then an inch, I don't want to touch that trigger. I have watch top shooters screw around with windage tops, adjust the windage, adjust the speed screw, go back to the windage screw, OH! now the elevation has changed, adjust that. Not knocking the procedure because I just watch and when he fires his first shot I can have my group done before he gets the second shot off. Now we are not talking about a Farley or Serb, that is a different deal. The movement is controlled by one stick. Just as a matter of interest, Tony uses a Farley, but up to about 3 or 4 years ago he was a bag squeezer, got arthritis in his left hand so had to go to a Farley type. Bottom line, "MY OPINION" windage tops cost more and do less and in actual fact will hurt your shooting.

Offline abouwer

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Re: Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2010, 08:15:26 AM »
Thanks, just wanted to hear, i had the same feeling about it. I am gonna take a Hayes, but will have to get a rest for my wife as well a little later, and just thought about a different one for her. Thanks.

Offline John VM

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Re: Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2010, 10:08:33 AM »
Benchrest is a funny game, full of trinkets and gadgets. The more you use and bring to the line the more things to go wrong. KISS works for me. Just my opinion.

Offline Tony Gauthier

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Re: Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2010, 05:44:46 PM »
You Know Bill if I didn't have the arthritis I don't think I would have changed. The farley and seb rests are pretty fast, but not sure they are nay faster than squeezing. Some of my best groups were shot by squeezing and I probably still shoot better that way, just can't stand the pain by the end of a day at a match. I really think the Farley is the best rest for score. It is fast to the point of using the previos shot for a sighter and staying in the 10 ring. I know I enjoy score shooting a lot more since I got it. The trouble with both coaxial rests as far as I am concerned is the low quality bearings that are used. I fixed one of Jeff's for him and if I had had better bearings I know I could have improved it almost 100%. The farley uses better bearings, but what is really required is a set of bearings that will run about 75.00 each. That would take out the little bit of play that can be felt in them. Farley uses a better system for the bearings. The seb shaft is epoxied into the bearings whereas farley uses a press fit. Jeff's seb had let go in the epoxy and I had to redo it. You never want to leave the handle in them for transport as one bump on the end will give you an opportunity to try someone elses for the weekend!
Bag squeezing without a stop is a fast way to go from sighter to group, just slide it back and forth. I tried a sighter cam and you want to have fun chasing your first shot just go with a sighter cam!

Offline Gord O.

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Re: Anyone own a SEB Rest?
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2010, 06:03:55 PM »
I've been using one of Jamie's first edition Farley rests both in BR and in F Class. Once I had replaced the tensioning screws with the "improved " versions , it removed the dreaded lash .I find it extremely fast,reliable and enjoy it much better than the old speed screw/windage top.
Since owning this ,I did get some time on an (now) old model SEB as I recommended it to a shooter here.It has a small advantage over the Farley IMO. However, I like the coaxil. Why do you think they call it a "joy" stick?
For me I find ,I can be a heck of a lot more consistent  by NOT having to squeeze the bag.
Yep ,they are pricey...but if you have one and no longer want it, it'd take about 2 minutes to find a buyer.


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