Author Topic: Please can anyone tell me where are some rimfire benchrest matches near Montreal  (Read 9720 times)


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Please can anyone tell me where are some rimfire benchrest matches near Montreal Quebec?  I  shoot IR50/50 and ARA at a couple Norcal clubs ....  am looking to possibly move to Montreal and would love to keep competing.. I also run a small match in SF bay area at  Diablo rod and gun club.   I will really miss it if I move somewhere where there is not rimfire matches

If not Quebec, anything in Vermont, NY or Ontario? 


Offline Paul

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Rimfire benchrest in Canada ? You will be disappointed...

A few years ago, there was a group of shooters that used to hold 4-5 matches every summer. Now, they  hold only one rimfire  match a year (they shoot a four IR50/50 targets match). It's being held in July, in the Eastern Townships, about 1 1/2 hour from Montreal.

As far as I know, there is no formal competitions in Ontario or Vermont. In N.Y., there used to be matches in Salem but I don't know if the club is still active.


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Man!  I am pretty bummed to read this!  Just when I finally got a great gun and started winning matches too  :-[

What about airgun benchrest?  Are there any airgun benchrest  matches?

« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 10:20:26 PM by tothemax »

Offline K Hope

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I have seen them shoot Rimfire in Augusta Maine. Maybe 6 hours.... Nice setup.


Offline cyanchycki

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Why be bummed? 

You can turn that around.  Get involved with a club closest to you and make it happen.  Rimfire BR may not be big in Canada at this time but with a bit of work that can be turned around.  Score matches are the easiest to hold.

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Offline Paul

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Why be bummed?

You can turn that around.  Get involved with a club closest to you and make it happen.  Rimfire BR may not be big in Canada at this time but with a bit of work that can be turned around.  Score matches are the easiest to hold.


Been there, done that Calvin. Believe me, it's not an easy task to get people involved in a type of shooting where you have to use ammo that now cost $28 a box (Tenex) to be competitive. We had good turnout in Quebec about 15 years ago. We were even shooting every IR 50/50 classes (Sporter, 10 1/2LB and 13 1/2LB). There are still many serious rimfire shooters around here but now centerfire benchrest is much more popular.

Offline cyanchycki

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Paul, I see shooting 2 ways. 

One way is why handicap one when they want to ring the best out of your equipment and what you want to achieve.  In other words top notch equipment and ammo.


You limit how expensive of ammo can be used.  Yes in ways it defeats ones purpose but I look at it this way, if this is a make or break on whether people will begin to shoot and matches take off again,  I will sacrifice the ammo to have matches.

Sometimes you have to dumb things down a bit to maybe get people hooked.  Just my way of looking at.

In general, the cost to shoot has jumped what maybe 50% higher?  Why?  Just because of things that happen south of the border and the difference on the dollar.  In my eyes things went crazy south when Obama got in and it has never recovered and never will.

Regardless, many of us still find a way to shoot enough to keep us happy.

My house is protected by the good Lord and a GUN............
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Thank you for the great advice and support. 

I certainly do not mind trying to start a match  in Montreal or surroundings area.  I started and run an unsanctioned IR50/50 monthly match here and it's been somewhat successful.(7 to 12 shooters show up regularly, after covid we should get more as we normally have 20 benches, now down to 13 for social distance)    However I was getting shooters from other clubs I participate in.  I have been posting past  match reports and some pics here for anyone interested. 

Pls what happened to the 15 shooters who participated before?  Does anybody have a list of past participants?  I think the challenge is to find shooters who are willing to invest in a good benchrest gun, a good benchrest and some high dollar ammo without having even seen a match.  I have one pretty good CZ repeater which is almost as accurate as my stiller 2500X.  Maybe I could just start with any .22  We do this at my club where we shoot an IR50/50 card at the end of our regular benchrest match with any .22 repeater we call it a "Fun gun" match.  Also is there a big airgun crowd there?  I have been also trying to start airgun benchrest with limited success here but if I stay I think it will get much bigger.  Most shoot airgun silouhette and also airgun field target with airguns less than 20 ft lbs.

Does anyone know a club in or around Montreal that I could attempt this?   (i.e. Start .22 benchrest, or fun gun or airgun benchrest?)



« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 10:04:08 AM by tothemax »

Offline Dwayne Cyr

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What exactly is your CZ repeater that shoots so good?


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What exactly is your CZ repeater that shoots so good?

I have the CZ 457 Varmint Precision trainer I installed a Lilja barrel and a lighter trigger spring.  It shoots the SK Pistol match amazing. 


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Is there rimfire matches near Vancouver BC?

Offline smink

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Mission club holds BR rimfire matches , its close to Vancouver . also Port Alberni club on Vancouver island  started to hold BR rimfire matches in early 2020 , they got 2 matches completed before covid hit . both clubs use the same target its called .22 BR Canada , same as ARA unlimited target .
Steve .


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Thank you smink,

Much appreciate.  I guess if I wanna shoot then I it's better to move to BC than Montreal.  I am from Montreal but have been living in San Francisco Bay area last 30 years. Was thinking of moving back to be with family and also  is so much more affordable there  ... but no rimfire benchrest :(   

I was looking at places with a little land near Mission or Abottsford and it's beautiful but so very  expensive to get a place there.  I guess it's all based on supply and demand...  More people want to live in BC.

Am really looking forward to get back to Canada.

Thank you for the great info  ;D

Offline K Hope

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I checked out the Diablo web site.... Very nice set up...  Nothing even closely resembling that in the Montreal area.  In all honesty Western Canada is more user friendly for guns and shooting.  If you decision is based solely on shooting Rimfire Competition Western Canada has Quebec beat by far.  If your decision includes being closer to the family here is a little more information for you.

Quebec Shooting Federation. Find a club:

Fish and Game Club 40 minutes south of Montreal.  6-7 Good solid benches.

Club de Tir Saint Jacques le Mineur.  30 minutes south of Montreal.  Has potential with 20 benches but not Benchrest quality.

Sorel Shooting Club.  I have never been there but looks impressive.

Or there is something I would be looking at,  2 hours south of Plattsburgh NY.

Good Luck in your decision making!


Offline Janeau

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I know this is a very old tread..but here are some add on, that might help someone:

Sandhill is the club that hold monthly matches..web site


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