Author Topic: Opel Bullets  (Read 6401 times)

Offline DanO

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Opel Bullets
« on: May 22, 2010, 07:59:52 AM »
With Rick's approval, I am providing some information on my line of bullets.
All bullets are made on J4 jackets, which are imported (US restricted item).
For any other bullet makers in Canada, if you would like to get a few buckets of jackets,
I would be happy to add them to my order (usually once a year) to aid in the added cost
of permits and shipping.

Opel Bullets are custom hand swaged, on carbide dies, using modified RCBS presses.
The equipment was purchased from Rick Pollock in 2003, the original presses can be tracked
back to the bullet maker Terry McKracken.
Due to time and costs, we are only making 2 calibers of bullets presently.
.224" caliber at 52 gr. on .705" jackets, and 6mm 64.5 gr. on .790" jackets and a 6mm
66 gr. on .825" jackets.

These bullets are match grade hollow point, flat base bullets, they are also used in the field as
varmint bullets, and the feed back has been very positive for this application also.

Current pricing:
.224 cal. - $28.00/100
6mm - $30.00/100

For additional information contact:
Dan Opel


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