I would like to think it was a great weekend. I hope we were able to put on a good show for everyone. I think it ran as smooth as it could have.
A lot of work was put in by Grant to get the frames and backer ready. Lawrence for weed whacking the berms. Amber for cleaning the clubhouse and running around gathering supplies for the event and barbecue. Tory for his contribution to the barbecue. Curtis for supplying Tim's donuts. Selkirk Game and Fish for the use of the club. Without the use of the club it would never happen.
I need to thank all the competitors for taking time out of their busy schedules to make the trip. The furthest was from Vancouver Island and the closest about 15 minutes away.
Congrats to Mike Pollen who ended up with the HWP barrel and Larry Mychalchuk who walked away with the rest built and donated by Ron McDaniel. Congrats to all the prize winners.
We must thank all the gracious generous donors.
Pacific Tool and Gauge
HWP barrels
Stinger Ballistics
Bill Mitchell
Hirsch Precision
Ron McDaniel
Thanks to Chelsaa and Carmen for scoring and running targets.
Lastly, I have to thank Amber for allowing me to drag her to Selkirk to help with the event. You were a trooper.
Hope to see everyone at the 2024 BRSC Nationals in Rosebud.