Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 2571 times)

Offline Winchester1873

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« on: February 17, 2023, 05:41:48 PM »
Last summer I was invited out to a Benchrest 101 clinic in Selkirk put on by Calvin ( cyanchycki ), Tory and the rest of the benchrest club, they got me hooked. Everybody at the club was super friendly and I felt really comfortable with them. Calvin has been a mentor for me answering all my stupid questions. I am really excited with this summer coming up
I contact Mike Bryant and he built me a short range benchrest rifle in 6 PPC and a spare 30 BR barrel, he built it with a Bat DS action, Tom Meredith stock. Calvin suggested the items and Mike agreed with them. I just received the rifle today and it is beautiful.
Dean form Plenty of Patches and of course Calvin have been telling me what items I need, so just waiting for Dean to get one item in and I should be set to start my first season.
I can't believe the trust everybody in this community has, Mike built and shipped the rifle and sent me the invoice later, Tom Meredith set up the stock as I requested and shipped it to Mike again without even telling me how much I owned him. I can't think about anyone in the rest of the firearms community that would do all this without been paid in advance.
Thank you to all that have helped me and I look forward to getting to know the rest of you and to go shooting with you
« Last Edit: February 17, 2023, 10:56:01 PM by Winchester1873 »

Offline rpollock

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2023, 08:18:45 PM »
Thanks for posting and welcome to the slippery slope! A name would be good here, if you don't mind posting it. I am sure everyone is wondering who the new guy in Selkirk is!

We are running BR101 in Lethbridge and Rocky Mountain House this year. In years past we have run it in Calgary and Medicine Hat as well. It has been a great format for getting shooters introduced to BR.

The BR community is small and everyone knows everyone, hence the high level of trust. It was a good choice to have Mike Bryant build you a rifle as he is a terrific gunsmith and a super nice guy. Glad you found Calvin, a mentor will save you years on the learning curve, and thousands of misspent dollars.

There will be about 12 of us from out West invade Selkirk for the Nationals, I look forward to meeting you as I am sure the rest of the mob does as well.

Rick Pollock

Offline Winchester1873

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2023, 10:35:30 PM »
Looking forward to meeting you Rick and your gang. My name is Curtis Peyson,  Mike while building the rifle was also teaching me. I have 6 friends now that want to come out to the next benchrest clinic, they are all avid shooters and i know they will probably get hooked as well


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