Author Topic: Mission - April 2023 Benchrest Group Shoot  (Read 755 times)

Offline mdumont

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Mission - April 2023 Benchrest Group Shoot
« on: April 03, 2023, 03:30:38 PM »
In March, we shot Group as a runup to our BRSC Registered Spring Tuneup Shoot. 

Winter continues to hold on despite the calendar.  The day started at about 1 degree, with rain, sleet and hail.  At the same time, conditions started calm but picked up as the day progressed. 

We welcomed Ken Holmberg, who turned in credible rookie performance, including a match win at 200 yards.

Pete and Ken organized the targets, Art took our money and did the safety briefing and Joe called the match.  Despite a bad back, Allan showed up to measure the groups.  Meanwhile, Brendan stoked the stove - Much appreciated!

Our next match is our BRSC Registered Spring Tuneup shoot to be held on April 29 & 30.  There are still a few places available if you wish to register!

...and this month's results - 100 Yards:

200 Yards:

...and the Grand Agg:


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