The dates for the 2023 King of the Hill competition at Rosebud have been set for the final weekend in August.
Competition day is Sunday, August 27th.
As before, Saturday will be a practice day for all competitors to get their zeros for the multiple yardages on competition day.
This is a single rifle event for the entire competition.
Competition day is a cold bore event. Competitors need to be zeroed prior to the event.
Important changes in the course of fire;
The 300 yard group event has been eliminated.
In its place there will be timed/multiple yardage event on the silhouette range.
Preliminary course of fire looks as follows:
Event 1 - 300 yard score shoot
Event 2 - timed event with multiple yardages on silhouette range
Event 3 - 500 metre gong event
As well, thanks to a generous offer by one of the prize table sponsors, prize money will be greater this year.
Stay tuned to this space for signup instructions and finalized course of fire and rules.
Good luck to all competitors!
Wally Pollock