Author Topic: Mission - August 2023 Benchrest Group Shoot  (Read 998 times)

Offline mdumont

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Mission - August 2023 Benchrest Group Shoot
« on: August 07, 2023, 12:17:01 PM »
Conditions started relatively mild, but got much more challenging as the day wore on with intense mirage and switchy winds.  The high aggs certainly reflected this. 

We welcomed Trevor Ardron, who turned in credible rookie performance, including the best target at 200. 

Congrats to Pete on consistent shooting at 200 for the win in difficult conditions.

Pete and Vlad organized the targets, Art took our money and did the safety briefing and Joe called the match. 

Our next match is September 10, where we'll be shooting Score. 

...and this month's results - 100 Yards:

200 Yards:

...and the Grand Agg:


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