Author Topic: Mission - October 2023 Benchrest Group & Score at 300  (Read 1208 times)

Offline mdumont

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Mission - October 2023 Benchrest Group & Score at 300
« on: October 08, 2023, 09:07:14 PM »
For a change of pace, we decided to shoot our combined Group and Score 300 yard match.  In this format, we hang both a Group and a 200 yard Score target at 300 yards.  You have 14 minutes to complete both targets, and we repeat the process 5 times for the complete match. 

A thin turnout of 5 shooters got beautiful fall weather and very mild conditions. 

With Pete away, Art handled the targets while Joe took our money and called the match. 

Our next match is November 5th, and we'll be back to shooting Score at 100 and 200 yards. 

Because it is hard to compare Group and Score results, we adopt a scoring system where a shooter gets 1 point for each person with a lower score / group size in a particular match.  These scores are tallied and the one with the most points wins. 

Here are the results:


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