Author Topic: ORSA'S Fall Final  (Read 1147 times)

Offline JDoucette

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ORSA'S Fall Final
« on: October 17, 2023, 05:17:27 AM »
Elmira Rod & Gun Club hosted ORSA'S "Fall Final" shoot this past weekend.
12 brave souls showed up to battle the unpredictable winds that show up in the fall at Elmira, and we weren't disappointed.  George and Vera Carter weren't seemed to be bothered by the wind, they just stuffed in more powder and took the early lead on Saturday morning. Stan "the man" hanging around!
Mark Robson put together the heavy gear, and took honors with a nice .2346 agg in the afternoon HV. Stan again hanging around!
Sunday came and all  H*LL broke loose. Flag tails standing straight up, switching with every blow, cold and damp. It was frustrating, but that is Benchrest !!!!
Stan Walter took the morning matches with a impressive .2667 agg. In any condition, that is great shooting.
Robbie MacLennan got some lunch into him, and threw down a .2853 agg to take top honors in the 200yd LV
When the rain stopped, and the trophies handed out, Stan Walter was again on top with the 2-gun. His second 2 gun in the last two shoots. Congratulations Stan on a great year of shooting!!!!

Thank you to Elmira Rod & Gun, and it's membership for hosting ORSA's shoots for this past season. WE hope we can continue on next year, shooting at this great facility
Thank you to the volunteers.
Target Crew- Peter Pomerleau, Mathew Leclair,  and Adel Hijazi, 
Scorers- Rick Kreamer, and Paul Connor.
RSO's- Paul Connor, and Jeff Schaefer.
Kitchen- Steve Hornsby, and Darryl Brubacher.
Also Thank You to Bill Mitchell, George and Vera Carter, for making sure we were fed on Saturday nights for the entire season.
Special thanks to Steve Horrnsby, Paul Connor, and Brian Shoemaker, for being at every shoot, to make sure the matches were run safe and everyone had fun. Thank You all.
Have a great holiday season, and I am looking forward to seeing everyone next season.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2023, 05:34:49 AM by JDoucette »


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