This year I decided to try to make one or two matches at ranges that I had never shot. I was in Billings in June and just got back from New Mexico. The first thing I would say the Rio Grand range is the finest BR shooting facility I have ever shot at. The match was very well run with no glitches. Todd Tyler, Ed Adams and Jack Snyder put on a fantastic match.
AIR CONDITIONED reloading building close to the line but nice and quiet while the line is shooting.
The firing line is well covered , the benches are 10 ft plus apart the range is flat with no berms.
The weather was perfect. 80s-90s 20% RH. Windy as would be expected but not switchy.. I picked up some Canadian AA 2015 lot3 and Benchmark at the local Sportsman Warehouse. I never got a good handle on the 2015 as the first agg showed and switched to Benchmark. Things got better but wasn't able to keep up with the big boys.. Stats are on BRCentral if you are interested. I shot behind Charles Huckeba. I had not met him before. He was great to shoot with and I learned alot about his tuner use. A real gentleman and one of the the BR greats.
I highly recommend this shoot. The people are great the facility is the very best and I plan to be back.