Author Topic: Mission - June 2023 Benchrest Score Shoot  (Read 1212 times)

Offline mdumont

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Mission - June 2023 Benchrest Score Shoot
« on: June 04, 2023, 05:25:17 PM »
A smaller than usual crowd of 6 shooters showed up to compete in challenging spring conditions.  The wind was variable over time and over the yardage, with periods of mirage to add to the challenge. 

With Pete away, Brendan stepped in to run the targets along with Vlad and Art.  Joe called the line, Art collected our money and did the scoring.  Thanks to all who pitched in. 

Art completed a clean sweep, winning at both yardages.   

Next match is the Jim Latham Memorial on July 2, an all-day match where we'll shoot Score at 100, 200 and 300 yards.  Hope to see you all there.

...and this month's results - 100 Yards:

200 Yards:

...and the Grand Agg:


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