Sunday July 28th, Lake of the Woods Gun Club in Kenora held a 22 Rimfire benchrest match. It was attended by 9 competitors including a couple new shooters.
Weather was hot and humid with moderate wind.
In Sporter Class Ryan Jackson won his 3rd consecutive match with a good shooting CZ.
Micheal Rosenblat normally shoots longer ranges with shorter time limits but placed well none the less in his first benchrest match.
Crystal Kirby Peloquin was in the hunt but was undone by ammo on her last target. Crystal displayed unreal concentration and technique.
Mike Warkentin did manage to hit the fly that sat still for 6 shots. Mike shoots better with a shotgun.
In Unlimited Class Phil Nick squeaked by Rod Jack by 1 X dot.
Wayne Schellenberg posted the highest X count in Unlimited.
Congratulations to Phil Nick and Ryan Jackson for their wins.
Thanks to the competitors and volunteers for supporting the club and
Special Thanks to Scorer Al Carlson for giving up a Sunday with family to look at bullet holes.
Sporter Class Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Agg
1 Ryan Jackson 248-7X 249-6X 245-3X 742-16X CZ 452 Vt
2 Mike Rosenblat 247-5X 248-10X 243-5X 738-20X CZ 457 MTR
3 Crystal Peloquin 244-6X 244-8X 248-7X 736-21X CZ 452 VT
4 Mike Warkentin 230-3X 226-3X 201 657-6X Savage
Unlimited Class
1 Phil Nick 250-11X 250-17X 250-11X 750-39X Holeshot
2 Rod Jack 250-11X 250-15X 250-12X 750-38X Anschutz
3 Wayne Schellenberg 249-14X 248-12X 249-16X 746-42X Anschutz
4 Grant Schick 248-10X 250-8X 248-9X 746-37X Holeshot
5 Ron Petigrew 249-14X 247-10X 247-12X 743-36X Anschutz By:
Dwayne Cyr