Author Topic: ORSA Score Shoot  (Read 292 times)

Offline JDoucette

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ORSA Score Shoot
« on: August 19, 2024, 07:19:59 AM »
Elmira Rod & Gun club hosted ORSA's first score shoot of the season.
We had 14 shooters in attendance with some new faces on the line. The morning 100yd matches was relatively calm with a few rain showers and a tornado warning. We took shelter for a while, and had an early lunch thanks to Steve Hornsby and his BBQ skills! When the sun came out we finished up the 100yd, and Lenny McKenzie won  the morning matches with a 268. 
The afternoon matches at 200yd was a different story. Some sun, and lots of switchy wind. Brian Shoemaker came out on top of the 200yd with an impressive 257 score.
Brian also took top honors in the grand agg with a 518 total,  edging out Lee Graig by one.
Thank You to the volunteers on Saturday.
Kitchen- Steve Hornsby
RSO- Paul Connor
Target Crew- Rob Pringle, and Eryk Piwowarczyk
Scorer- Steve Gostel.
Next group shoot is scheduled for Sept 14-15.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 10:45:51 AM by JDoucette »


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