Elmira Rod & Gun hosted ORSA's last shoot of the year. We had 14 shooters in attendance, with great weather all weekend.
"The Legend" Bob Kerr started things out at 100 yds with a nice .2124 agg, followed very close by George Carter with a .2142. My have been some money changing hands at the scoring table??
George also took small group with a .126.
The afternoon matches "The Legend" continued with were he left off, and shot a .2142 with Robbie MacLennan right behind with a .2256.
Brian Shoemaker had the small group here with a tiny .058
Sunday morning we moved it out to 200yds.
Brian Shoemaker, after a relaxing night at home, laid down a nice .2260 with Jeff Doucette in second with a .2572.
Brian took the small group as well with a .256
We had some lunch, a few showers blew in, and left just as fast.
Robbie "The Wind Whisperer" MacLennan bared down and shot an impressive .2762 in winds you might call "switchy", with Billy "The Kid" Mitchell right behind with a .2907
It was Robb MacLennan on top with the 2 gun win with a .2785 agg.
Thank you goes out to the help on the weekend.
Kitchen- Steve Horsnby
Scorers- Alex Alvez, and Danial Gibbs
Target Crew- Alex Rowden, Bill Bewly and Wade Yantha
RSO- Paul Connor
We would like to thank Elmira Rod and Gun, and it's membership, for their support throughout the year, and look forward to their continuing support next year!!
Have to thank Brian Shoemaker for looking after all the "behind the scene stuff" that must be done to be able to hold these matches.
Also Bill Mitchell for organizing the supper menu. Big Thanks go out to Steve Hornsby, who is always in the Kitchen feeding and looking after us. Paul Connor who looked after the target crew all season long. Not an easy task!!
I would personally like to thank the ORSA membership for a fun season of shooting, and I look forward two seeing you all in the spring.
If you know anybody that is thinking on starting this cruel sport, or wants to get back into it, please bring them with you next spring.
Winter Well !