Please take note of Dave's instructions below. As OFHA is our delegated organization for the WBC, interested shooters need to be members of OFHA to be considered for the 2015 World team. OFHA has been very supportive of the Canadian Team and we would like to see this relationship continue. I won't post the form online as it has some personal information on it, you can always e-mail me to get the form: or Dave at his e-mail below. It is $37 and needs to be mailed to Bill Gammon, his address is on the form.
Please see attached from OFHA. It is the renewal for some of the shooters
interested in maintaining their status with the Canadian Benchrest Group.
For those with dates expiring in 2014 please forward your cheque to BILL
GAMMON in London, On. If you send it through directly your name never shows
up on our listing. Why I don't know, just the way it is.
If there are new shooters interested in being considered, please forward to
them so they may join. Also, Rick please forward to Dan Opel for me, don't
have his address. Bill please forward to John Van Middlekoop. Does anyone
have an email address for Dave Holmes?
So this gets done in a timely fashion, let's put a prior to date of December
15th, 2013. The pricing, and forms are part of the attachment.
Best Regards
Dave Abbott