I'd like to get these sold, price drop to
$350 for the whole works.
Edit to add: Just noticed after posting this (which took a very long time), the pics are wider than what's shown on the screen, there's a left/right scroll at the bottom of the post which will move everything, allowing you to see it all. Selling what I don't need from a large lot of dies I purchased some time ago. These are older dies, I've spent many hours doing my best to clean up some surface rust. I'll do my best to list condition for each die, they still have some slight staining on the outside, but remain fully functional in my opinion. There are a couple that are rougher than the rest, and will be noted. Attached is a picture to show what I mean by "some surface rust".
Most are complete, if not it will be noted in the description. There are no 'cups' with the dies, I have a a few available to include with a sale of multiple dies.
There are a few oddballs, some cartridges I'm not familiar with - I'll do my best to note what I believe it to be. If you have questions or want pics of a specific die let me know. All dies are arbor/press style, full length sizers included.
I'm happy to ship ($17 up to 5 dies in one order) or meet face to face in/near Lethbridge, or at the Rosebud range during one of the upcoming matches.
Prices are listed per die with a total of $825. I feel these are reasonable prices at less than 50% new cost, but if you feel I'm out to lunch let me know.
- Buy the entire lot for $500 shipped (40% savings)
- Buy 5 and subtract 25%
- Buy 3 and subtract 15%

" some surface rust "

What's available

Unknown hand seater - .222-5

Homemade neck sizer - .240 COY